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Educational Effectiveness Group!
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Having worked together for several years, Cathy devoted her expertise in leading the development of content for our large annual conferences providing great professional learning opportunities and experiences, paving the way for excellence in education and improved student achievement.
Carrie Freundlich, CMP, Vice President, Learning Forward: The Professional Learning Association, Dallas, TX
Cathy brings to the table not only a wealth of knowledge and experience but a sincere desire to learn and affect change at the school building level. I know her to be a dedicated professional and a critical thinker. She is goal-oriented, conscientious, and extremely effective as a school improvement coach. What she is doing now with EEG is long overdue.
Dr. Darian C. Jones, Former School Principal and District Superintendent
Managing Director - Kasserian Ingera Educational Entrepreneurs, LLC, Atlanta, GA
As the Executive Director of the state Professional Standards Board (PSB) at a time when we were launching Teacher and Leader Preparation reform across Delaware and implementing several policies to increase the rigor and criteria to become a teacher and leader in the state, we found ourselves in unchartered territory and I found an excellent “navigator” and coach in Dr. O. Identifying what skills, knowledge and performances an educator needs to be effective to impact student learning was the primary task at hand. Through her guidance, support, and encouragement, I not only maneuvered through regulation, policy and state code, but recognized the leadership skills I possessed to be a change agent for the very important work of supporting our teachers and leaders across the state.
Dr. Donna Lee Mitchell, Assistant Professor, Chair - M.Ed. Special Ed ARTC,
Paraeducator to Teacher, Wilmington University, Wilmington, DE
In a world where leadership, especially educational leadership, is so desperately needed, she stands out as a truly knowledgeable resource for those who desire to increase their effectiveness as leaders. Dr. Cathy is professional, refreshingly approachable, and wonderfully positive about the ability of the individual to lead and make a difference in their own community, as well as the wider world. I recommend her services with the highest confidence that she will be of amazing help to anyone who wants to hone in on their leadership acumen, and further develop leadership skills, whether involved in education directly or not.
Jennifer Kenway, Transformational Coach
Mauldin, SC
DrCathyO is one of my most respected colleagues in education. She has a wealth of knowledge in the field and has served in several state local and national capacities as a thought leader in improving teacher effectiveness. She is passionate about supporting teachers and creating schools that are successful and equitable for all learners. If you are looking for strategies, solutions, or inspiration, I highly recommend her team.
Dr. Rhonda Richetta, City Springs Elementary/Middle School
Baltimore, MD
It is with a great deal of enthusiasm that I endorse Cathy Owens-Oliver for her knowledge, experience, expertise, resourcefulness, and commitment related to professional learning for teachers and school leaders. I’ve long been impressed with her ability to merge both empirical and action research along with her own practical experiences around increasing the quality of teachers’ instructional development to create robust outcomes and produce positive results. Cathy is keenly talented in working with diverse audiences as she is consistently knowledgeable, focused, and supportive. She is an extremely competent, confident, and dedicated professional. Her team is timely positioned for the critical work school districts have to do during this pandemic.
Karen M. Dyer, Ed. D. Center for Creative Leadership, Honorary Senior Fellow
Greensboro, NC
Incontrovertibly, Dr. Cathy Owens-Oliver is a consummate professional and leader in the field of education. She is committed to social justice and serves as is a powerful resource in matters pertaining to diversity and educational equity. Her instructional workshops, with both my students and faculty, are consistently standards-based and are grounded in data that are empirical, accurate, and sound. Dr. Owens-Oliver leaves those under her tutelage and employ educationally fulfilled, yet intellectually curious about those realities that agitate the mind. In summation, engaging her expertise and that of the EEG team is absolutely worth it!
Dr. Anthony Pittman, Dean of Education, Claflin University
Orangeburg, SC
Dr. Cathy always exemplifies a professional and courteous demeanor. She also has an excellent rapport with people of all ages. Her outstanding communication skills (both written and verbal) allows her to connect with all kinds of people and to inspire them to put forth their best effort. I am so glad she started EEG because she is fully committed to coaching both teachers and school leaders in an effort to improve the climate and culture in high-need schools. EEG is a valuable asset to the field of education. Schools need what EEG offers.
Carreather Coleman, Dean of Curriculum and Instruction, Stewart Elementary School
Forrest City, AR
My most memorable teacher was Dr. Cathy Owens-Oliver, my professor for three semesters when I was working towards my M.Ed. in Special Education. Dr. O did a fantastic job bringing her plethora of teaching experiences to life to help us in our quest to become educators. Instead of just assigning reading, she would assign reading and ask us to explain whether and how we could utilize the teaching strategies we read about in our classrooms. Dr. O was passionate about her students’ success and went beyond in everything she did, from in depth discussions regarding teaching strategies to stressing the importance of ethical conduct. Dr. O encouraged me to see my real potential and helped me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to. I admire her dedication and how she always managed to find time to bond with her students semester after semester. I am forever grateful for my experiences with Dr. O and I will always keep in contact with her. I am excited about what EEG means for the success of new teachers.
Liz Viereck
Special Ed Teacher, New Jersey
Dr. Owens-Oliver’s exceptional work at the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards focused on teacher professional growth and teacher leadership. Her passion for the teaching profession as the pivot point for improving educational outcomes for all students, ran through all her work. She was instrumental in helping advance accomplished teaching standards, and in developing programs to provide support, direction and impact for teachers who reached those high standards. EEG is clearly the "NBCT life" she has helped so many other NBCTs create.
Stephen Helgeson, ATLAS, Online Learning and Product Development Director
Arlington, VA
Dr. Cathy Owens-Oliver is a rare find not only as an educator but also in her clarity of thought and demonstrated oral and written communications. Her insight as an educator and her ability to paint a picture of conception is unparalleled. Her team's work as systems builders is coupled with precision and follow-through. Her leadership ability is matched with clear communication and confidence. She has all the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to successfully lead initiatives both large and small. She is energetic, empathetic, and focused. “Dr. O” is a woman of integrity and serves constituents well. Undaunted by pressure, timelines, and workloads, she and the EEG team perform and outperform her contemporaries on every task. She is truly an amazing resource to the education field.
Dr. T. Lynn Smith, Real Solutions Group
Atlanta, GA